Get Involved

The best way to get involved is to purchase an annual membership for only $75, which covers your entire organization.  All your staff will benefit from discounted rates at our monthly ‘Laugh & Learn’ workshops, which are a great opportunity to both learn and network.   Some of our past Laugh and Learn topics include Effective Communication, Transitions, Licensing, Science and Nature. Your staff will also receive a $25 discount at our annual conference, and all this content is specifically tailored for children grades K-6.


If you can’t be a member we hope that you will be able to join us at one of our Laugh and Learn sessions, or at our annual school age conference.  If you would like to know about upcoming opportunities, please contact us to be added to our mailing list.


Last, but not least: if access to quality, affordable child care is important to you then please make it a consideration when you go to the voting polls.  Make sure to voice your opinion and let all levels of government know that Alberta’s children and families are a priority to you. 


Thank you from all of us at the School Age Care Directors Association of Alberta!